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FENCE FIXERS POST REPAIRS (16 x 20 in) (1).png

Expertise + Innovation

We offer a truly unique system unlike any other fence repair solution in the industry today. It provides your broken, fallen-over fence with an additional 20 years of life, and at a fraction of the cost of replacing it. Ask us for a free quote and the opportunity to explain how our system can save you thousands of dollars.

Servicing Ottawa & surrounding area

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Why Choose Us?

Do you have broken or leaning fence posts?

Until now you've had only two options when fixing a broken fence post: Option 1 requires removing the concrete footing, installing a new post in concrete, and re-attaching panels, lasting 10-20 years at a cost of over $600 per post. Option 2 is a temporary solution with a cheap 1-2' deep bracket that may only last until winter.​​

Our Unique System

Our patent-pending system quickly repairs broken fence posts with minimal excavation and time. It features strong galvanized steel components and a commercial post driven over 4' deep. It is mostly underground with the only visible part of the system attached to the base of the broken post. Installed below the frost line, our system greatly extends the lifespan of your fence posts, lasting just as long if not longer than a full post replacement (and at a fraction of the cost).

Other Services

We also offer full fence removal and replacement if repairing your fence is not the best option for you. With over 14 years of industry experience, we are prepared to handle any situation that comes our way.


5 stars

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Canadian Materials


Repairs Completed


Years of Expertise

Our Promise

Material Warranty

5 Year Standard 

Workmanship Warranty

5 Year Standard

Satisfaction Guarantee

100% satisfaction guaranteed!

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